Willow Grove Academy
Willow Grove Academy
We are
a group of educators who get it. We have extensive experience working with bright, capable kids who need a teacher who is able to deliver information in a way that works for them.
Willow Grove Academy grew out of the fact that there is a lack of availability of classes in the homeschool community for non-traditional and neurodivergent students. Parents often face the frustration of placing their children in classes that are unable to meet their child’s individual needs. WGA was created with these families in mind.
Willow Grove Academy is a non-profit school seeking to serve under-resourced communities to raise achievement levels for all students in these communities.
We are a group of educators who get it.
We have extensive experience working with bright, capable kids who need a teacher who is able to deliver information in a way that works for them.
Willow Grove Academy grew out of the fact that there is a lack of availability of classes in the homeschool community for non-traditional and neurodivergent students. Parents often face the frustration of placing their children in classes that are unable to meet their child’s individual needs. WGA was created with these families in mind.
The Willow Grove Difference
Why Choose WGA

Quality + Individualization = Success
Academically rigorous classes that are small in size that allow our teachers to individualize instruction.

Experienced Teachers
Qualified, veteran educators with many years of experience in public, private, homeschool, and online settings who have worked with students in every range from gifted and talented to struggling learners.

Targeted Student Growth
Clear instructions and expectations for students to teach personal responsibility. We want our students to take charge of their learning!

Ease of Use
Focus on parent-teacher-student communication to ensure that each student is achieving his/her maximum potential in each class. We implement an easy-to-use online platform that makes it easy for parents and students to stay connected and experience any real-time updates to class schedules and assignments.

Affordable Courses
Our affordable classes are offered with a convenient payment plan. A $50 deposit reserves your child’s spot for the upcoming school year.
Preview Our Courses
Meet Our Teachers
Additional Services
We offer more than just online courses. Our experienced teachers are equipped to come alongside you and make your homeschool a success.
Homeschool Portfolio Evaluations
VA, WV, FL certified. Check the requirements for your state.
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The Willow Grove Blog
Incorporating Homeschool Games to Enhance Learning
Most kids love a good game. Combining games with schoolwork can help break up the monotony of difficult subjects and make learning fun. Here are some homeschool games and activities that you can use in almost any subject to spice up your student’s school: 3 Fun...
Creating a Dyslexia-Friendly Learning Environment at Home
At its core, dyslexia is a language disorder. Understanding the way that it can spill out into all aspects of life is important for parents. We talk a lot about classroom accommodations, but what can we do at home to help our struggling reader along? 5 Ways to...
Choosing Curriculum and Resources for Dyslexic Homeschoolers
If you suspect dyslexia or already have a diagnosis, it is now time to figure out how to choose curriculum for a reading intervention. It can seem daunting when you are faced with all of the curriculum options out there. Take heart, choosing curriculum and resources...