If you are homeschooling a child with ADHD, you know that even the littlest distraction can derail your learner.

Here are four small but impactful things you can do to help manage distractions promote focus for ADHD learners.

1. Keep the work area clear and quiet.

If the immediate area around the workspace is clean and uncluttered, that will eliminate distractions. Placing a desk or table in front of a windowless wall can help too. Silence phones and computers and turn the screen over or away from your learner.

2. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, and enough exercise.

Good sleep and sufficient exercise improves attention and mood which will reduce frustration and meltdowns. There are always times when your child will get off schedule but make sleep and exercise a priority. Establishing good habits is important and will carry your child into adulthood so he can learn to manage his ADHD when you aren’t there to support him.

3. Do school work in short bursts of time with plenty of breaks.

If you notice that your child is getting restless, let him take a break and get the wiggles out. He will come back refreshed and ready to get back on task.

4. Have structured meal times, snack breaks, and keep your child hydrated.

Food and water fuel the brain! 

The key to managing distractions is to address them before they happen. Talk regularly with your child about steps you are taking to help him manage distractions.

This will serve as instruction to help him manage his own workspace and work habits in the future as he matures.