It is important if your child struggles with ADHD that you give him some structure to help him stay organized and focus on school tasks.

There are a few things that you can implement to help his day run smoother. 

1. The first item is to create time blocks for school and non-school tasks.

For example, set a timer and work on math for 30 minutes (or a reasonable amount of time to keep him on task). Once the time is up, math is over.

This works for chores and play time as well. Build in breaks where he can go outside and play, play with legos, read a book for fun etc. in between work time.

Be sure to give him frequent breaks throughout the day, don’t move from 30 minutes of math right into 30 minutes of reading!

Establish a routine for bedtime too and make sure he is getting enough sleep. A consistent bedtime will go a long way towards your day running smoothly. 

2. Be varied in your teaching methods.

Kids with ADHD benefit from variety and multisensory teaching. Use hands-on activities when possible (and it isn’t always possible) and vary between hands-on, auditory, and visual lessons.

Avoid straight textbook, answer questions type of curriculum. 

3. Lastly, be flexible!

Success in (and out of) school depends on your ability to change plans when something isn’t working.

Checking boxes won’t work in this situation. Read your child. Is he having a bad day, do you sense a meltdown coming?

Change what you are doing. Jump on the trampoline while reciting math facts, read his book to him today if he is struggling to read it himself, do a hands-on science experiment, or make a cake from scratch to practice measurements.

All of these have educational benefits and can be fun too. Mix it up to keep his attention and interest up.